Monday, November 10, 2008
funny little thing
Angel loves to take off to strip down to nothing, David likes to imitate whatever he sees. At Davids birthday party, in came Angel and David with their pants down to their anckles, their diaper off, and both of them had wipies and were wiping funny! :)
Still my busiest life ever...
Well, mom told me that I didn't live up to my word and here it is...
I had the busiest weekend of my life...something to do or go to every hour on the hour...I did have fun though. Got my garage cleaned, went to a birthday party, Johns Aunt and uncle came over for a visit, led worship twice, and almost had to preach. My kids had tuns of homework and Angel is going through her rebellious phase now. Hope it ends soon! :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hey everyone, I'm gonna try to do this often and keep it short each time. If I don't, I will probably not continue with this well meaning endeavor! lol...Well, I got the idea from an old friend named Angie (Vosburgh)...She's such a great mom. I always want to scrapbook, but NEVER have enough time! This way, I can use the best pics, and everyone can see them! How cool is that?
Well this was Halloween week, and I have mixed emotions. On one hand I was excited, because I was apart of an Awesome outreach to our communtity through our Heaven and Hell house, and our Heavens playground (which I was in charge of -Mercy me). 
Left: a portion of our Heavens Playground. It took me months of planning, and a week of building (with the help of MANY sweet people from TOP of course).
Well, the sad part was that I was soooooo busy, that I didn't have time to be a good mommy. If it was not for MY mommy, my kids would not have had costumes :( She sent Angelina a Raggedy Anne outfit, and bought Andy his Spidy outfit a long time ago. John quickly went and bought Ike & Mike something cheap...and that was that... I almost didn't have time to get them ready, but with Johns help... it was a success.
Right: Isn't she just adorable?
Sad to say, I didn't get any more pics of my other three children. I was way too busy working the "playground". But just so you can see my other adorable sweeties, here's what I got, and then I'm gonna sign off for tonight. Right: Roo being Roo. lol

Right: My cutie Patooti, Mike!
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